Friday, February 12, 2010

The Sipping of Sarah

Yesterday was my first official wine tour through the Mornington Peninsula.  There was a group of 9 of us - a couple from New Zealand, a couple from Ireland, and a Mom and her three daughters from Sydney on a Hen Party (Bachelorette party).  We visited T'Gallant, Tuck's Ridge, Pier 10 (where we stopped for lunch), and Boxs' Stallion.  I liked reading the "quotes of the day" at each vineyard, which were written up on the chalkboards and I learned a ton of new things about the wine making process such as tannins, oak vs. stainless steel barrels, acidity levels, etc.  I even tried Pate de Foie Gras (duck liver), which was actually quite tasty.  Side Note - I'm sure many of you remember hearing stories that pate was actually banned in Chicago for a few years due to the crude methods used to force feed ducks and geese for this delicacy, but the ban was lifted in April 2008.  Anywho, the tour was great fun!  I quickly made friends with the girls from Sydney. When we arrived at Pier 10 for lunch, there was a barrel of gigantic organic grown zuchinis to take for free - the biggest things I've ever seen!  Tegan, Jessica, and I each quickly adopted one and somehow we ended up craddling them and pretending they were babies (what 20 samplings of wine will do to you when on an empty stomach). When Jessica let her 'baby' roll off the seat in the van, we called her an unfit mother.  We were being so silly.  The last winery we ended at was Box Stallion, which used to be a horse stable about 10 years ago - the stables were set up that you can sit inside for tastings/lunch.  I found it quite cool that many of the names of the horses were still above the stalls and several were from the US.  We all passed out on the ride home.  The girls asked me to come meet them out for drinks, which I graciously accepted.  After going home for a quick nappy, I met the girls out.  We ended up at a bar in the Fitzroy area where there was a 14 person band, including trombones, trumpets, accordians, bongos, etc. playing Balkans Music (music of Southeastern Europe).  The Balkans is an area which runs from the centre of Bulgaria into eastern Serbia. The music was quite delightful and you all know how much I love to dance.  This music was perfect for just bopping around, and feeling the music.  It was so great to meet the girls and I have plans to meet up with them when I am in Sydney in a few weeks.  Already making mates (friends) around the globe...

I am quickly learning the culture and the Australian language.  Obviously English is the first language, but the Australians use different words for different things and annunciate words differently.  I'm already to the point where I am stressing my syllables in different places, as it is definitely rubbing off on me.  I could sit and listen to Ruth talk all day.  It's completely mesmorizing to me. 

It's a bit chilly and rainy here today, requiring me to wear a jumper (sweater).  This weather can't make up it's mind...One day it's hot and humid, the next day rainy and humid.... Tonight I am off to Ruth's families vineyard.  Her mum invited me for dinner.  I'm excited to meet her family and do a little more "sipping".  Cheers!


  1. duck liver is the best thing ive ever tasted in mt life :) hahaha love you! this is already amazing... cant wait for more

  2. Sarah, you are such an inspiration to all of us and I truly admire your courage and lust for life. What an amazing journey you have embarked on! I am already a dedicated follower and can't wait to hear all about your travels! Have a great time and live it up! =)

  3. Yeah! I am a follower. You are such an inspiration! I want to hop on a plane and meet you TOMORROW!

  4. Sar that sounds like a blast! I love your look so happy :) I'm glad you are making new friends! Be safe and talk to you soon. Happy Valentines Day xoxo!
