Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Silence of Sarah

Finally in Cape Town and it’s been amazing so far. Marisa & Stus friend, Dave, kindly picked me up from the airport and we went straight to his family bri (BBQ) in Hermanus. I couldn’t believe the beautiful house on the beach and breathtaking views o f the ocean and coast. The weather was sunny and perfect. I could finally wear a tank top and jeans without sweating to death. I could get used to this! Another country, another warm welcome from a family I’ve never met before. It was perfect, and as we all know, it’s the people part of my traveling that I truly enjoy the most. I think the bar has been set pretty high at this point with the lovely views and gracious welcomes I received. :) Dave was nice enough to cook dinner that evening – Spaghetti. Yum! The most perfect comfort food. He gave me a little bit of history, some recommendations, and I was beginning to feel pretty acclimated. Cape Town is fantastic. Very different than what I pictured. I feel very comfortable here. I moved into my dorm yesterday (ok – maybe not 100% comfortable). ;) But it’s fine, and I get to put my things out of my suitcase for more than 2 days – Yeah! One downfall is that it’s getting a little chilly here and I’m not really prepared. I sent a lot of stuff home because it was not being used up to this point. Sort of kicking myself now..

Unfortunately, I don’t start my project until Friday. I was pretty bummed, but I guess it gives me a few days to learn the lay of the land, get settled, so I have plenty of energy for the kids. Some of the girls who have already started confirmed how amazing the kids are and what a great experience it is, but they also said they are exhausted every day. My first thought was “Perfect, I’ll hopefully be able to start getting some sleep.” I can’t wait to meet them!!

I can’t believe this trip has flown by so fast, it’s halfway over and I’m already here. I considered calling this post “The Sigh of Relief of Sarah”, as that was what I was feeling on my flight here. I have had the most amazing 2 ½ months traveling, seeing the world, experiencing things I could have never imagined. I had a blast meeting new people and meeting up with friends, but to be honest, I’m exhausted. I have been nonstop and on the go the whole time, with a few days here and there to really do nothing. I’m ready for a break and to be in one place for awhile and have a “home”. It has been so much fun documenting my story and sharing it with everyone, but when I started calling it my “homework”, I knew something wasn’t right. I enjoy it, especially since it gives me an opportunity to get my memories down while they are fresh in my mind, but I was trying to squeeze it in any free chance I had. Often the internet connections are terrible as well, which makes it really frustrating.

So I’m going silent, at least while I’m in South Africa. I think it’s really time for me to focus on myself and the kids I will be helping. I want to get back into my nutrition and fitness routine and get back on track. If I feel inspired to write, I will pick up the computer for sure. I will still have access to email and I also have a cell phone again, so I can be contacted either of those ways. Feel free.  I love to get little notes and texts by suprise. 

Thank you all so much for encouraging me to write and update you! It is extremely flattering and I really do enjoy it. I just need a break and some quality Sarah time! I will be in touch soon!! XOXO

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